Excel Switch

66% of people are paying more than they need to for gas and electricity.

We search the energy market to find the cheapest Gas & Electricity supplier for your home. On average our customers save £281.97** per annum

Click below to see how much you can save

100% Impartial

We were the very first energy price comparison to be 100% impartial. This means that within your Personal Projection you can find every single domestic energy tariff available to you.

Whole of Market

We model the entire domestic energy market, Our results show you every tariff actually available to your home. We do not use filters to hide results.

Free to Use

Our services are free for you to use. We are paid a fee from the energy suppliers for every switch completed, this fee is already included within the marketing budgets of energy suppliers so the prices we publish are identical across the industry.

Our suppliers
